Salaries in IT in Belarus in 2020 – 1 quarter 2021 (Java, PHP, .Net)

Dear Clients and Partners!

At your request, we have collected and systematized data on the salaries of IT specialists in the Republic of Belarus in 2020 – Q1 2021. These figures are based on the data of vacancies closed by us, job search sites,,, , as well as requests from our clients to find the appropriate specialists. The salaries are NET (taxes are not included).

Average salary of Java developers in Belarus in 2020

We have collected data for 2020 on closed vacancies, as well as from open and published vacancies on various sites and portals. As a result, we received the following data:

Junior Java developer – 1000 USD;

Middle Java developer – 2100 USD;

Senior Java developer – 3400 USD;

Team Lead (Java) – 4000 USD;

Tech Lead (Java) – 4500 USD.

Java developer salaries Q1 2021

Compared to 2020, in the 1st quarter of 2021 the salaries (offers) of these specialists slightly increased and now amounts to:

Junior Java developer – 1100 USD;

Middle Java developer – 2300 USD;

Senior Java developer – 3500 USD;

Team Lead (Java) – 4200 USD;

Tech Lead (Java) – 4700 USD.

Thus, so far we see a constantly increasing demand for Java specialists and, accordingly, a gradually growing supply of salaries for these specialists.

Average salary of PHP developers in Belarus in 2020

Junior PHP developer – 900 USD;

Middle PHP developer – 2000 USD;

Senior PHP developer – 3500 USD;

Team Lead (PHP) – 3700 USD;

Tech Lead (PHP) – 4100 USD.

Average salary of PHP developers in Belarus in the 1st quarter of 2021

Compared to 2020, in the 1st quarter of 2021 the salaries (offers) of these specialists slightly increased and now amounts to:

Junior PHP developer – 900 USD;

Middle PHP developer – 2150 USD;

Senior PHP developer – 3400 USD;

Team Lead (PHP) – 3700 USD;

Tech Lead (PHP) – 4150 USD.

Average salary of .Net developers in Belarus in 2020

Junior PHP developer – 950 USD;

Middle PHP developer – 2000 USD;

Senior PHP developer – 3500 USD;

Team Lead (PHP) – 3900 USD;

Tech Lead (PHP) – 4400 USD.

Average salary of .Net developers in Belarus in the 1st quarter of 2021

Compared to 2020, in the 1st quarter of 2021 the salaries (offers) of these specialists slightly increased and now amounts to:

Junior PHP developer – 1000 USD;

Middle PHP developer – 2100 USD;

Senior PHP developer – 3600 USD;

Team Lead (PHP) – 3900 USD;

Tech Lead (PHP) – 4450 USD.

Thus, today we see an increase in the salaries of Java, PHP and .Net developers in the Republic of Belarus in the 1st quarter of 2021. At the end of the 2nd quarter, we will also analyze salaries in this area and will definitely share this information with you!

Recruiting of software developers in Belarus

If you need services for the selection of IT specialists – contact us! We will be happy to help you! Phone and email for communication: +375293664477,

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