IT Outsourcing

It is no secret that the personnel in an organization is often its main driving force, which is the key to its successful development. However, sometimes it happens that a qualified specialist is required to perform a specific work of limited scope. Hiring a person in the state is expensive, because their services will be needed for a limited time. It is also possible that you do not want to open a separate legal entity for several of your employees who are located in Belarus. 

The priority and goal of any organization is to reduce financial costs. Usually, most of the financial expenses relate to the payment of wages to employees who work at the enterprise. These are contributions to the payroll fund, mandatory insurance premiums, and so on.

To reduce these costs, it is necessary to correctly and competently allocate the company’s costs for the labor of employees. Today, hiring freelance employees is gaining popularity. 

What is personnel leasing and its difference from outstaffing and outsourcing?

Personnel leasing involves hiring a qualified employee for a certain period of time to perform a given amount of work. All arrangements are made between the lessor and the company hosting the employee.

Depending on the management technology, there are:

  • leasing;
  • outstaffing;
  • outsourcing of personnel.

What is common is that there are three parties involved: 

  • an organization that needs a new employee,
  • intermediary organization that searches for the right person with the required skills
  • the employee who officially works for the intermediary.

In order not to make mistakes in setting goals, correctly allocate financial expenses for staff, and avoid disputes with tax authorities, you need to clearly understand what you need from the employee you want to hire.

Important! The very concept of personnel rental is absent in the Belarusian legislation – that is, an employee can be officially hired, for example, on a contract basis or by signing an employment contract. However, there is no concept of movement of labor between organizations that are not subordinate and, accordingly, regulation of such labor relations.

The law contains only the concepts of leasing, for example, material resources, transport, and equipment. You can’t officially lease a live person. But you can use the services of organizations that will provide you with the services of the right employee.

In fact, personnel leasing consists of the following:

  • The HR organization searches for the right employees.
  • their registration under a fixed-term employment contract in the staff of a personnel organization;
  • enter into agreements with the customer and provide hired qualified employees to complete the task.

Employee leasing can be compared to outstaffing – it also involves personnel from third parties to perform the required amount of work.

How does staff leasing differ from staff outstaffing in Belarus? 

In the case of leasing, the organization’s services are provided by a recruitment agency, whose employees themselves select an employee for your organization. This way, employees who have been taken out of the state are not hired. The second side is represented by various enterprises that require employees on a temporary basis.

For example, employees of Speks Advisors can choose seasonal workers for harvesting or repairing any premises. 

Another example is that if a hotel requires a maid or if a business specializes in picking berries, such employees will also be found. Thus, our experienced employees will find almost any employee for your business that meets your requirements.

Staff outstaffing

Another tool for optimizing financial expenses is outstaffing, which can be called a competent distribution of labor. Outstaffing refers to the removal from the staff of a specialist who has completed his work and the introduction of him to the staff of another organization. 

Organizations that employ such an employee in the state do not deal with issues of their salary, payment of taxes, payment of sick leave, and, for example, advanced training courses. This burden falls on the intermediary organization.

Outstaffing can also be called employee rental, but the scheme of registration of such people is different here. Officially, employees who have passed the selection process are employed in a recruitment company. However, all changes occur between the three parties only on paper – in fact, the employee continues to work in the same place. Officially, he is an employee of a personnel organization and will also receive a salary there.

How does the recruitment process work?

First of all, candidates are selected on the basis of their resumes, and then a large-scale and fruitful work takes place: an interview with each of them, studying their professional and personal qualities that can influence the results of the organization’s activities.

Our specialists will help you find such specialists as:

  • IT developers, IT managers, testers, UI / UX designers, and many others .
  • employees of Forex companies and other companies where there are mandatory requirements from the regulator;
  • managers with the necessary experience in a particular field;
  • lawyers, economists, and accountants.
  • many other professions, including non-standard and specific ones.

Thus, today it is important for a modern employer to decide whether an employee in the state is important for him, or whether it is necessary to choose from the mass of applicants of employees who will do the entire amount of work at once. By the way, even performing a one-time job does not mean that you will have to say goodbye to the employee forever.If you have a similar job, you will now know where to look for the responsible employee.

Why you should choose us

  • A professional team with more than 10 (ten) years of experience in the field of outstaffing;
  • Fair and fair pricing policy: we always agree on the price of our services in advance and sign a very detailed contract for our services without any hidden conditions;
  • Guarantees: if we previously selected an employee and you don’t like them, we will replace them with another one. We always give guarantees to our customers!
  • Professional Accounting and Payroll services: Our team of experienced accountants will take care of your employees. We provide a full range of accounting and payroll services in Belarus.
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