Your Trusted Partner for Top-Tier IT Talent in Belarus

Level up your IT team with the best recruiting agency in Belarus. Fast, efficient recruitment.


Management of IT companies and R&D in Belarus.

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Accounting and payroll

Experienced English-speaking accountants and payroll specialists.

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Direct EOR/PEO services provider

Quick onboarding of your staff in Belarus. Save time and costs.

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High-Tech Park in Belarus

Management, Accounting and Recruiting services for HTP residents. HTP entry.

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Additional services

Office search, procurements, domiciliation, outsourcing HR department and many more.

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Our Services

Business Support

Streamline daily operations & free up your team’s time.

Legal Support

Navigate complex Belarus employment laws with our legal experts.

Human Resources

Expert HR solutions for smooth onboarding & effective talent management.

Finance and Accounting

Seamless compliance – We handle payroll, taxes, and other financials.

Payroll Services

Ensure your team gets paid on time with efficient payroll processing.

EOR Services

Become an Employer of Record in Belarus with our comprehensive solution.

IT Outsourcing

Quick search for employees and entire teams in Belarus through IT Outsourcing.

Recruiting agency Belarus

Level Up Your IT Team with Spex

Spex is your one-stop shop for finding top-tier IT talent in Belarus. We understand the critical role skilled developers, engineers, and other IT professionals play in your business success. That’s why we leverage our extensive network and expertise to connect you with the perfect candidates quickly and efficiently.

No more sifting through endless resumes or dealing with time-consuming interviews. Spex takes the hassle out of IT recruitment, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business.

Why can you hire in Belarus?

There are a couple of reasons why Spex can hire IT talent in Belarus:

  1. Remote Work Regulations: Belarus recently updated its Labor Code in January 2024 to officially recognize remote employment. This makes it much easier for companies like Spex to hire talented Belorussian IT professionals who can work effectively from home or a co-working space.

  2. Thriving IT Industry: Belarus boasts a strong and growing IT sector with a large pool of skilled and experienced developers, engineers, and other IT specialists. This makes it a prime location for Spex to find the top talent you need for your business.

Recruiting agency Minsk

Get access to the pool of Talents

Imagine a vast pool of highly skilled IT talent, readily available and eager to contribute to your projects. That’s the reality you unlock with Spex in Belarus. We understand the critical role skilled developers, engineers, and other IT professionals play in your business success. That’s why we leverage our extensive network and expertise to connect you with the perfect candidates quickly and efficiently.

Use our agency to Hire in Belarus

Spex is your strategic partner for building a high-performing IT team in Belarus. We understand the challenges of finding the perfect tech talent, especially across borders. That’s where our expertise comes in. We have a deep connection to Belarus’ IT community, giving you access to a vast pool of top-tier developers, engineers, and other IT specialists. Our streamlined process eliminates the hassle of endless resumes and lengthy interviews. We identify the perfect candidates quickly and efficiently.

Belarus Employment Laws



Employment contracts in Belarus can be indefinite, fixed-term (up to 5 years), or project-based.



The standard workweek is 40 hours, with a maximum of 8 hours per day. Overtime work is regulated, with limitations on daily and annual hours.

Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

Belarus has a government-set minimum wage, but competitive salaries are necessary to attract top IT talent.

Social Security

Social Security

Employers and employees contribute to social security, with Spex able to guide you through the process.

Remote Work

Remote Work

Recent legal updates officially recognize remote work, opening doors for flexible hiring options.

How to Hire Employees in Belarus

Local Recruitment Agency
Spex, for example, offers a deep understanding of the local IT landscape and a vast network of qualified candidates.
Leverage Remote Work Opportunities
Belarus’ recent remote work regulations allow you to build a team regardless of location.
Comply with Employment Laws
Spex can guide you through the legalities of employment contracts, social security, and payroll in Belarus.
Focus on Attracting Top Talent
Offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract the best Belarusian IT professionals.


Do you help with EOR and Payroll?

Absolutely! At Spex, we are experts in both EOR (Employer of Record) and Payroll services in Belarus. Here’s how we can help:

  • EOR Services: We take the legal and administrative burden off your shoulders by becoming the official employer for your Belarus-based team. This means we handle tasks like work contracts, visa applications, and social security contributions.
  • Payroll Services: We ensure your team receives their salaries on time and accurately, taking care of tax calculations, deductions, and remittances. We also handle any paperwork and filings associated with payroll in Belarus.

By combining EOR and Payroll services, we provide a comprehensive solution that allows you to focus on your core business activities while ensuring your Belarus team is compliant and well-paid.

Do you offer PEO services?

Spex offers EOR (Employer of Record) services in Belarus, providing similar advantages to a PEO (Professional Employer Organization). We handle all employment tasks: contracts, social security, payroll, and compliance. This allows you to:

  • Focus on Core Business: Free up resources for strategic initiatives.
  • Expedite Onboarding: Get your new Belarus IT talent productive faster.
  • Ensure Compliance: Stay informed and compliant with local regulations.

Spex acts as your trusted advisor, delivering the efficiency and peace of mind you expect from a PEO. Let’s discuss how we can simplify your Belarus IT hiring.

Recruiting in Belarus

Recruiting in Belarus offers a goldmine of highly skilled and cost-effective IT talent. Recent legal changes favor remote work, universities produce top graduates, and companies heavily invest in training. Partner with Spex to leverage our extensive network, efficient process, and local expertise to find the perfect candidates for your Belarus IT team.

Onboarding in Belarus

While Belarus employment compliance laws don’t dictate the onboarding process, Spex can help you create a positive and efficient experience for your new hires. 

We ensure all necessary paperwork, contracts, and social security registrations are completed efficiently, guaranteeing a smooth start. Unlike a one-size-fits-all approach, Spex personalizes the onboarding experience to your company culture and new hires’ specific needs.

Our team is well-versed in integrating new team members virtually, regardless of location. Spex can connect you with resources to provide effective training programs that empower your new Belarusian team members. We can help develop strategies to integrate new hires into your existing IT team, fostering collaboration and a strong team spirit.

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    • Limited Liability Company “Spex Advisers”
      Certificate of state registration issued by the Minsk City Executive Committee on July 4, 2018. Registration number: 193101292
    • E-mail
    • Telephone\WhatsApp
    • Address
      Office: 8 Kirova str., office 21, Minsk, 220030, Belarus. Postal address: 38 Novovilenskaya str., office 21, Minsk, 220053, Belarus
    • Working hours
      Monday-Friday 9:00-19:00