Open a corporate (business) bank account in Belarus

Now in Belarus there is no strict regulation to open accounts for non-resident companies in Belarus, as, for example, in Europe. Of course, it all depends on the decision of the compliance Department of each bank. But still companies from Hong Kong, EU, CIS, offshores and other jurisdictions open accounts in Belarus.

Documents to open a business bank account in Belarus

To open a bank account for a legal entity in Belarus we ask our Clients to provide the following documents:

  1. Power of attorney. PoA must be translated in English language, notarized and apostilled (the text of the power of attorney will be provided by us).
  2. An application form for opening a bank account. Completed on behalf of the legal entity and signed by the head of the legal entity (a representative of the legal entity acting under the power of attorney and other legal grounds within the powers granted to him, sealed with the legal entity’s seal or seal of the representative office (branch). The application should be submitted, normally, in 1 (one) copy.
  3. The copy of the document confirming the registration of the legal entity. It can be certificate of incorporation, good standing certificate.
  4. Copies of constituent documents. Usually we ask for a Charter and (or) foundation agreement, or other document stipulated by legislation of the country of registration of the legal entity, under which they operate, in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  5. The application with samples of signatures.
  6. Client application form and other documents (if necessary) in accordance with the Internal Control Rules (KYC).
  7. Documents confirming the authority of the person signing the documents.

Usually bank account opening with our firm looks like this:

Step 1. The Client provides us all mentioned documents and describes in details purposes of bank account opening in Belarus (how the Client is planning to use the bank account);

Step 2. We show these documents to the banks and define which bank is ready to open a bank account for the Client (preliminary assessment);

Step 3. The Client legalize the documents and send them over to us. We submit the documents to the bank. If the bank requires the authorized person to visit Belarus for signing – we ask the client to visit Belarus.

What the compliance department of a bank in Belarus pays attention to?

The first thing the compliance department of any bank will want to know is the reason for opening an account in Belarus. Any of the banks will want you to confirm the connection between your company and the Republic of Belarus. It can be:

  • counterparties in Belarus;
  • the founder or top management of the company permanently resides in the Republic of Belarus;
  • opening an account is necessary in connection with a tender procedure;
  • investment projects in Belarus.

This list is not exhaustive. We understand that in most cases our clients need an account in a Belarusian bank mainly to diversify payments or to optimize payment routes due to frequently changing market conditions and political microclimate.

How long does it take to open a business bank account in Belarus

Usually in our practice it take about 1 (one) month to open a business bank account in Belarus. We know that each case of bank account opening is unique and sometimes it can take much longer to open a business bank account in Belarus. As soon as we receive all the documents our team will estimate how much time we need to open an account for you. Comparing to business bank accounts, private bank account in Belarus can be opened within 48 hours.

How to reach us

If you want to open a business bank account or private bank account in Belarus for your legal entity you can contact us:

Mobile: + 375 29 366 44 77 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber)


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