Recruiting for a German IT company in Minsk

Dear Clients! 

We are pleased to announce the completion of a project to recruit 6 (six) developers for the German software development center in Minsk. Due to the existence of a confidentiality agreement, we cannot write the name of the brand under which our Client operates. 

However, we can tell you some details of the project. 

Positions recruited: Java, IOS developers, 1 Project manager; 

Timeframes: 1 (one) month; 

The number of replacement for 6 (people) is 0 (zero). 

SPEX Advisers advised the Client on recruiting issues, organized the entire recruiting process from A to Z, and organized interviews for the Client. 

How to find us

If you want to use our services or just discuss the possibility of their provision, as well as receive a commercial offer, please contact us: + 375 29 366 44 77 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber).


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