Work Permit in Belarus for Foreign Citizens

In recent years, Belarus has attracted more and more foreign citizens who want to find a job and build their careers. One of the critical steps of companies that are going to hire foreign employees is to study the issue of the need to obtain a work permit for a foreigner and obtain such a permit. This process may seem complicated, especially for those experiencing it for the first time. In this article, we will look in detail at what steps you need to take to get a work permit, what documents you will need, and additional nuances important for foreign applicants and their employers to know about. 

What is a work permit for foreign citizens?

In Belarus, a work permit for a foreign citizen is called a “special work permit.” This vital tool regulates labor relations with foreign citizens and protects the interests of both employees and the State.

A special permit entitles a foreign employee to work in a particular company for the period specified in that special permit. Usually, the term coincides with the employment contract that the employer enters into with a foreign employee.

Features of obtaining a work permit in Belarus

Here are some features of a work permit in Belarus:
1. Special permission is granted to foreign citizens and companies that will hire foreign citizens.
2. The Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issues a work permit in Belarus at the employer’s location based on the conclusion of the territorial Executive Committee. This conclusion is a measure to protect the Belarusian labor market. The conclusion can be positive (in this case, the company is issued a special work permit) or negative (in this case, the company is denied a special permit).
3. A foreign employee, in respect of whom one company has obtained a special work permit, may not work in other companies under this permit. For each place of work, you need to get a separate special permit.
4. The term of a particular work permit is usually set for one year, and for highly qualified employees -up to 2 years.

When foreign citizens can work in Belarus without a special permit

There are cases when foreign workers do not need a special permit to work in Belarus. The State regulates these cases. You don’t need special permission in the following situations:
1. Employment in companies that are residents of the High-Tech Park of Belarus.
Companies that are residents of the Hi-Tech Park have an advantage over other companies: they do not need to obtain special permits to hire foreign citizens.
2. Hiring international students.
Employers can hire international students working in Belarusian companies for up to 20 hours a week.
3. Hiring foreign graduates
Without special permission, you can hire foreigners who are hired by Belarusian companies within a year of receiving their education.
4. Opening a company by a foreign citizen
When a foreign owner of a Belarusian company (one of the owners) is an individual who is hired by the company as a manager, he does not need a special permit. When the founder of a company is a foreigner, the director of this company does not require a special license. You must provide documents confirming that you have a suitable education and at least two years of work experience.
5. Hiring highly qualified employees
You do not need to get a special permit when hiring highly qualified employees whose professions are included in the list approved by the Government of Belarus. The Government regularly updates this list. For example, in 2024, highly qualified software engineers will not need such a permit. Highly skilled employees include those with the appropriate education and work experience in this speciality for at least five years. Temporary residence permits for such specialists are issued for up to 2 years.
6. Employment of citizens of the EAEU countries
For hiring foreign employees from the EAEU member States: Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia.
7. Employment of foreign citizens who permanently reside in Belarus
You do not need to get a special work permit to hire foreigners who permanently reside in Belarus (they have a permanent residence permit and a residence permit). A special license is required only for those foreigners who temporarily reside in Belarus (without a residence permit).

Procedure for obtaining a special work permit

Although the company receives a special work permit, the candidate must prepare and submit the documents to the company. Otherwise, you cannot collect a package of documents to obtain a special license.
The procedure for obtaining a special permit can be presented as the steps taken by a foreign candidate for a vacancy and the hiring company.
Step 1. The candidate searches for a vacancy and responds to it
At this stage, the candidate searches for suitable vacancies in Belarus and responds to them. The candidate sends the employer a resume (CV) and a cover letter at this stage.
Step 2: Study the issue of a special permit after a successful interview
A company that is ready to hire a foreign citizen is studying whether obtaining a special license for their employment is necessary.
Step 3. Preparation of documents by the candidate
The candidate needs to prepare and submit some documents to the employer:

  • A copy of the valid document on the right to travel abroad (foreign passport).
  • Copies of diplomas, certificates of education and assigned qualifications. If the documents are in a foreign language, you may need to translate them into Russian and legalize diplomas and certificates.
  • You need a health certificate to work on some vacancies (the employer will tell you this). You can get such a certificate in Belarus.

Step 4. Preparation of documents for obtaining a special permit by the company
Before applying for a particular work permit, the company pays a state fee of 5 basic units (200 Belarusian rubles or approximately 55 euros).
Then, they write an application form to issue a special permit. The application must explain why it is necessary to hire a foreign citizen and indicate the desired period of validity of the special permit. It also includes the place of work and profession of the foreign employee.
The application includes a photocopy of the foreign citizen’s passport. The part of the passport containing the citizen’s last name, date of issue, and validity period must be translated into Russian.
Documents are sent to the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the company’s location.
Step 5. Getting a Special Permit
Documents are considered in the Citizenship and Migration Department for ten days and Ukrainian citizens – for five days.
If the Citizenship and Migration Department receives a favourable opinion from the local executive committee on the possibility of employment of a foreigner, the employer is issued a special permit.
When a special permit is not granted
Companies will not issue a special work permit for a foreign employee if:

  • This employee’s travel document has expired or is missing.
  • A foreigner is not allowed to enter Belarus.
  • The local executive committee gave the Citizenship and Migration Department a negative opinion on the possibility of foreign employment.

Why do foreign employees need to work with a special permit when it is necessary

In Belarus, foreign employees should work only based on a particular work permit when the State requires it. This is important for the following reasons:
1. Protecting the labor market
A special permit helps limit employment opportunities for foreign citizens and prioritize local workers, ensuring that the interests of Belarusian citizens are protected.
2. Migration control
The requirement to obtain a permit allows the State to control the flow of migrants and their legal status, which is essential for compliance with migration standards and for preventing illegal migration.
3. Qualification standards
The permit helps to ensure that foreign employees have the necessary qualifications and skills, which contributes to improving the overall level of professionalism in the labor market.
4. Compliance with the law
A special permit ensures compliance with local labor laws and tax regulations, ensuring that employers meet their obligations to the State.
5. Social guarantees
This requirement ensures that foreign workers have access to the social guarantees and rights provided to Belarusian employees: they receive wages, can go on vacation, take paid sick leave, have the right to medical care, and have a long pension experience.

How to contact us 

For more information or advice on issues related to a work permit in Belarus, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and support you.

Phone and email communication options are available for your convenience:

  • +375293664477 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber);

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