Why do we Need Trade Unions, and If they are in IT

Trade unions play a key role in protecting workers’ rights, providing them with the opportunity to collectively defend their interests and improve working conditions. In a rapidly changing world, especially in dynamic industries like information technology (IT), the importance of trade unions is becoming particularly relevant. 

In this article, we will examine why trade unions are needed, their functions and advantages, whether trade unions exist in the IT sector, and how they affect the professional lives of employees.

What is a Trade Union

A trade union is a voluntary public organization of individuals. It is a legal entity registered by the state. 

For company employees, the purpose of forming a trade union is to protect union members’ labour and socio-economic rights. A collective agreement is usually concluded between the company’s management and the trade union, which provides, in particular, increased social guarantees for union members (compared with the guarantees established by labour law).

When a primary trade union organization is established in a company (this is a division of an industry trade union), the union’s consent is often required when hiring and firing union members. 

At a higher level, trade unions participate in developing state employment policy and propose labour and social protection legislation.

Branch Trade Unions in Belarus

Trade unions are usually organized by industry. For example, all branch trade unions in Belarus are united by the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus (FTUB) . About 4 million people are in Belarusian branch trade unions, and 15 branch trade unions exist in Belarus. These are, for example, the Belarusian Trade Union of Banking and Financial Workers and the Belarusian Trade Union of Communication Workers. A list of industry trade unions can be found on the FTUB website

What do Trade Unions Do in Companies

Companies’ Trade unions are often called “primary trade union organizations.” Such organizations should have a trade union chairman and an accountant. Cooperation with a lawyer is often necessary. These specialists are needed to account for trade union members, account for the receipt and expenditure of membership fees, cooperate with the bank, submit the necessary reports, and verify the company’s internal documents related to labour relations and labour protection for trade union members. 

Employees of the company who simultaneously work in a trade union organization can combine their union activities with their work or work only in a trade union organization. For the performance of their duties, they may be paid a salary or receive payments from the funds of a trade union organization.

The Main Areas of the Trade Union’s Work in the Company

1. A collective agreement is concluded between a company and a trade union organization at the initiative of the trade union. It usually provides for increased guarantees and compensation for employees who are members of the trade union.

2. Trade union representatives shall acquaint employees who are members of the trade union with the collective agreement and the additional guarantees and compensations provided for in this agreement.

3. The consent of the trade union must be obtained before dismissing an employee who is a member of a trade union on the employer’s initiative.

4. A labour dispute commission may be established in a company with a trade union. In this case, an employee with a contentious issue with the employer may apply to this commission to resolve the dispute.

5. Issues of labor protection in the company are resolved in consultation with the trade union.

6. Trade union contributions generate monetary funds for the union, which are used to pay financial assistance to needy employees. Union members can compensate for sports activities, recreation for employees and their children, medical care, corporate events, and gifts to employees and their children.

7. The company’s trade union can financially support not only current employees but also employees who are on social leave to care for children or who are retired. These can be monthly payments or payments for various significant dates, holidays, compensation for rest, or treatment.

8. A trade union representative participates in the investigation of industrial accidents.

How Can an Employee Become a Member of a Trade Union 

Usually, an employee becomes a trade union member in the company for which they come to work. If he was a trade union member at his previous job, his membership would be terminated upon his dismissal. 

An employee joins a trade union voluntarily. This means that he decides for himself whether to become a member. If an employee wishes to join a trade union, he writes an application addressed to the chairman of the trade union organization. 

An employee’s membership in a trade union means that he must pay union dues. These are usually 1% of the salary, but the union’s charter may prescribe other options. Trade union members often apply to their employers to have membership fees automatically deducted from their salaries.

What Bonuses Do Union Members Have

Employees of the trade union get acquainted with the company’s collective agreement and are entitled to all bonuses provided in this agreement. Usually, a company or a trade union posts its social policy in a publicly accessible place. If necessary, an employee can find out what opportunities he has in connection with membership in a trade union from social policy or contact the chairman or lawyer of the company’s trade union organization.

As a rule, employees receive:

  • Financial assistance from the union in case of various life situations (they are usually listed in the collective agreement).
  • Compensation (full or partial) for employee children’s vacations during school holidays.
  • Gifts for employees and their children for the holidays.
  • Payments for professional holidays and anniversaries.
  • Compensation (full or partial) for sports activities and organized sightseeing trips.

This list is just an example. Each collective agreement may provide for a different set of bonuses.

In addition, trade union members have the right to free consultations with lawyers of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus and regional trade union organizations on issues related to labour rights and duties and labour protection of trade union members.

Trade Unions in the IT Sector

The IT industry, one of the most dynamically developing industries, is traditionally not associated with active trade union activity. Unlike the industrial sector, where trade unions play an important role in protecting workers’ rights, IT companies are often perceived as more liberal and focused on meeting employees’ needs. Nevertheless, the existence of trade unions in IT companies is not denied.

Trade Unions in IT Companies

Trade unions exist in the IT sector globally, although they are not as widespread as in other industries. For example, the Code-CWA (Campaign to Organize Digital Employees) initiative was created in the United States, which unites IT and digital company workers into trade unions. 

Trade union activity is more developed in Europe, and many IT companies already have trade union organizations that protect employees’ interests in matters of pay, working conditions, and career growth.

The main reason for the emergence of trade unions in IT companies is the need to protect employees from labour market instability, overwork and lack of social guarantees. Despite the high salaries and flexible working conditions typical of the IT sector, many employees face overloads, burnout, and a lack of transparency in career development.

Trade Unions in the IT Sector in Belarus

The situation with trade unions in Belarusian IT companies is much more complicated. Historically, the trade union movement in the country is mainly associated with state-owned enterprises. Unions are not common in private IT companies.

The IT sector in Belarus has been actively developing recently, and its participants are focused on rapid growth and innovation. The creation of trade unions in such an environment can be perceived as an obstacle to flexibility and speed of decision-making. However, in Belarus, the process of forming trade unions in IT companies is actively developing. For example, in the company Endeavour Solutions, founded in December 2022, the primary trade union organization was established in February 2023. Employees of this company can count on several benefits, including financial assistance for recovery, compensation for children’s vouchers, payments in connection with important life events and additional paid days off.

The Belarusian Hi-Tech Park (HTP) invites trade union representatives to explain the procedure for interacting with trade unions to the park’s resident companies. In particular, the HTP Supervisory Board Secretariat invited the chairman of the Belarusian Professional Union of Communication Workers. The resident companies gained an understanding of the prospects for establishing primary trade union organizations and the procedure for interacting with the trade union.


Trade unions protect workers’ rights by providing fair working conditions, social guarantees, and support in labour conflicts. Their role has long been recognized in traditional industries and has been actively used to improve working conditions. 

Despite the dynamic development and high-income level in the IT sector, some problems require collective solutions: overworking, unstable contracts, and a lack of balance between work and personal life. Trade unions in this industry can become an effective tool for protecting the interests of workers and contributing to the creation of a more stable and fair work environment. In some countries, the first IT trade unions have already begun to appear, which indicates the growing need for such organizations in the digital economy. 

Creating and supporting trade unions in the IT sector is an important step towards improving the quality of life and work for thousands of professionals who ensure the development of technology and innovation.

Although trade unions in IT companies are not frequent, trends towards their creation are beginning to manifest themselves, especially in countries with active labour movements. Interest in this topic is growing in Belarus, which may lead to a change in the situation in the future.

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