American, English and Canadian it companies in Belarus

How many IT companies in Belarus

The information technology market in the Republic of Belarus is dynamically developing, gaining momentum and becoming one of the strategic directions of doing business. Qualified employees, high salaries, privileges in the tax area – these distinctive features of Belarusian IT companies determine their success and the continuous growth of their number.

Most IT companies in Belarus are residents of the High Technologies Park. The Hi-Tech Park is a huge cluster of IT companies, one of the largest in Eastern and Central Europe.

The Hi-Tech Park was established in 2005 after the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On the Hi-Tech Park” came into force. This is a special legal regime created with the aim of developing software, information technologies, and other new technologies in order to develop the national economy of Belarus. HTP residents contribute 4% to the GDP of the Republic of Belarus.

IT companies in the HTP carry out 37 types of activities, the list of which is constantly expanding. The types of activities include, among other things, IT in healthcare, optics, fintech, the gaming industry, as well as the creation and development of crypto-exchanges, mining and other activities.

In connection with the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On the Development of the Digital Economy”, the development of the HTP product business model was initiated. In addition to the quantitative increase, there is also a qualitative increase in the IT sector in the HTP. IT companies develop their software products in various fields of activity.

HTP residents have a number of benefits and advantages – from a preferential tax regime to the introduction of “English” components in building a business, simplification of cryptocurrency activities, and e-commerce.

Today the HTP has 1,054 residents. The number of HTP employees is over 71 thousand.

In December 2021, the HTP was replenished with 52 new residents, of which more than 20 are startups. Areas of activity for new companies are mobile game and application development, medical technology, fintech, mining and others. Companies operate both custom and product business models.

In December 2021, 4 new development centers entered the HTP, as well as 14 companies with foreign investments.

New companies are represented, in particular, by Znaniye i zdorov’e LLC and Kometa Rad LLC. Knowledge and Health LLC is an IT company that will deal with innovative solutions in the field of medicine. In particular, it will create an electronic health care system using Swiss software. LLC “KometaRad” will carry out activities to simplify the formulation of medical diagnoses, in particular, the development of equipment for visualization of images in 2D and 3D formats.

LLC “Bee Easy” also plans to exist in the field of medical technology, developing a mobile application for sleep hygiene. On Google Android, Apple iOS, Mobile Web platforms, Bee Easy LLC creates applications for the general health of the elderly audience for Fitsia Holdings LTD (Cyprus).

The new HTP resident, OOO Konturnye Karty, will develop custom-made components for the Kontur geospatial analysis and visualization platform. Based on the platform, the company will create disaster risk management software for Kontur Inc. (USA).

A new HTP resident, Yuztech Bel LLC, aims to develop new software products, namely, a system for predictive analytics of the state of wastewater.

BNKKrypto and Fintech Capital and Custody LLC are new HTP residents who plan to engage in mining.

US, UK, Canadian companies in HTP (including development centers)


LLC “Kyriba Engineering”, established in 2018, is the development center of the Kyriba group of companies – Unicorn from the USA. She is engaged in cloud technologies. Clients of Kariba Engineering LLC use various software solutions for the purpose of financial management, organization of payments, and corporate governance. These developments are carried out according to the flexible SCRUM (90%) and KANBAN (10%) methodologies, as well as based on the best Agile practices and continuous integration and continuous delivery processes.


IT company Tealium is building a turnkey integration ecosystem. The main goal of the ecosystem is to enable brands to create a unified infrastructure of customer data in real time. Tealium works with over 1200 suppliers. Tealium’s data management solutions make customer data more valuable and actionable, including keeping it secure.


IDT Technologies LLC was founded in 2018. The company is part of the IDT group of companies, headquartered in the United States. IDT Technologies LLC is engaged in the implementation and support of IDT projects – telecommunications activities. IDT has over 1000 employees in more than 20 countries and is one of the leaders in the telecommunications industry.


Konturnye Karty LLC is a new HTP resident. The company entered the HTP in December 2021. The area of ​​activity of Konturnye Karty LLC is software development for the American company Kontur Inc. The scope of activities of Contur Inc. – disaster risk management.


PSA DC is the development center of the American company Professional Software Associate. In Belarus, PSA DC was registered in 2016, and since 2017 has been a resident of the HTP. The company develops programs and applications for various business areas. In particular, the field of application of the company’s products includes medicine, household appliances, robotics, the automotive industry, and telecommunications technologies. PSA DC cooperates with such business flagships as Alcon, Micron, General Electric and others.

Godel Technologies

Godel Technologies was founded in Belarus in 2002. The company develops software, cloud and digital technologies. Godel Technologies’ activities include the development of large-scale custom software, outsourcing, content management systems, etc. The company creates software for enterprises in the field of healthcare, education, gas and oil production, as well as in other industries. The company has an urgent culture of a team approach to solving problems in software development, as well as performing IT operations in order to reduce company costs and reduce the burden on labor resources.


AWTG is an HTP resident organizing the supply of complex technological solutions for smart cities, telecommunications, and the Internet. AWTG delivers technology solutions for healthcare and smart hospitals and Industry 4.0. AWTG also operates in the retail and e-commerce sectors. AWTG focuses on prototyping, IoT and artificial intelligence. Over the past 14 years, the company has deployed thousands of network infrastructure elements across three continents.


LLC “Apalon Apps” (Apalon) is the development center of the European divisions of IAC, an American company. The company develops software for mobile devices. Searching for information, social networks, online learning – Apalon develops software products for these types of Internet activities. Under the Apalon trademark, mobile applications are presented in the largest online stores, in particular, in the AppStore and Google Play.

Armada labs

Armada Labs LLC is a joint Belarusian-American company. The field of activity of Armada Soft LLC is fintech. The company develops software for the financial industry in the US and European markets. Armada Labs creates safe and efficient financial instruments and solutions. The staff of LLC “Armada Soft” in Minsk totals over 70 people.

Dizzaintim LLC is an HTP resident engaged in the creation of IT products, as well as marketing and business support. The company accompanies the development of startups, as well as collaborates with large companies. Among the clients of Dizzaintim LLC are Henkel and the Financial Times. A team of professionals working in the company is responsible for the entire path of product implementation, from the development of a business idea to its marketing and promotion.

Eurus Tech develops software exclusively for the parent company, Ethos Landing. The company is engaged in the implementation of innovative software tools and solutions for mortgage lending in the US market. The company’s activity allows to reduce the costs of mortgage processes several times, and also accelerates mortgage lending. Eurus Tech provides lending services and guaranteed placement of securities.

Intraheals M LLC was established as a development center for the Canadian company Intrahealth Limited Inc. The company is engaged in the implementation of information technology in healthcare. The distribution of electronic medicine is carried out by the company using Android iOS, Microsoft Windows, Apple iOS, as well as programming languages ​​Delphi, Java, Java Script, C # and others.

Capsilon Software Bel LLC is a member of the Capsilon Group of Companies headquartered in San Francisco. The company develops mortgage lending software for the US market. Its clients are banks and other US banking organizations. LLC “Capsilon Software Bel” organizes electronic document management and automation of workplaces in order to ensure profitable and fast mortgage lending.

The above list of IT companies is known to be incomplete. A large number of American and British IT companies operate in the Republic of Belarus. Today Belarus is one of the most favorable places in the world for the creation of development centers.

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