Collect and Check the Biography of Employees in Belarus

Collect and check the biography of empoyees is a popular practice for protecting yourself and reducing any risks associated with the loss of money or reputation. If a new employee was involved in fraud at his previous job, generously shared classified information with competitors, or even stole, the company may suffer financial and reputational losses.

There are two possible approaches to reviewing an employee’s biography: gathering data on one or more parameters, or conducting a thorough examination of every aspect. The most widely used information on data verification is:

  • information on the employee’s past employment,
  • checking the credit history (of an individual, company or organization),
  • debts, fines,
  • criminal record and administrative offenses,
  • authenticity of documents,
  • having connections with competitors,
  • information about education,
  • social media accounts,
  • checking personal qualities.

Information on the employee’s past employment

The length of employment will be used to verify the following information about the employee’s previous employment history: work history in companies and organizations, time spent working there, and the reasons for the employee’s termination (voluntary departure, dismissal for disciplinary misconduct, etc.). Also included are references from previous employers.

Checking credit history

Evaluating a person’s credit history as well as that of connected businesses or organizations is essential to determining financial reliability. By using this information, you can lessen the financial risk to your company by ensuring that prospective hires have a stable financial history.

Criminal record and administrative offenses

Gathering of biographical data regarding criminal history, including convictions for both minor and major crimes committed in Belarus.

By submitting requests to different authorities in the state where the employee resides permanently, information on past civil cases involving the employee is sought out.

Look for information about the type of civil case (debt collection, alimony, insult to honor and dignity, damages, recovery of life and health damage, etc.), the case number, the court’s name, the plaintiff and defendant’s information, and the decision’s content.

Information about education

This kind of verification entails giving details regarding degrees, certifications, education credentials, courses, and staff training. The employee’s training dates and the names of the universities, colleges, professional education institutions, etc. that they attended are disclosed.

Verification of personal qualities

This information is collected by our experienced interviewers. They find out the character and other personal qualities of the employee, the ability to work in multitasking mode, compliance with labor discipline, non-conflict and respect for business ethics and corporate culture.

If you are not sure how much information about the biography of employees you need, then we will certainly come to the rescue in solving this issue. We will determine what data you need and provide this data.

The information we provide is distinguished by:

  • timeliness
  • accuracy and truthfulness,
  • compliance with the stated requirements.

How to contact us

If you need help collect and check the biography of your empoyees in Belarus or need additional information in this area, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and support you personally.
Phone and email communication options are available for your convenience:

  • +375293664477 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber);
Contact us


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