Why is Belarus one of the most attractive countries in the IT world?

For several years now, the Republic of Belarus has occupied one of the leading places in the world in terms of conducting IT business. This is largely due to the presence in Belarus of a special taxation regime for IT companies – the High Technologies Park.

Today the Hi-Tech Park unites more than 1000 companies, most of them are companies with foreign capital. The HTP has one of the most attractive IT tax regimes in the world, namely:

– Income tax – 0%;

– Income tax for employees – 13%;

– Payments to social funds are minimal and depend on the average salary in the country.

EOR for IT companies and projects in Belarus: why is it profitable?

And this is beneficial because taxation in this area in Belarus is minimal. As stated above, taxes per employee will be approximately 13% + social security contributions. We are talking about a total rate of 18%. With such a rate, none of the neighboring countries simply can compete.

As you know, the level of development of the IT industry in Belarus is also very high. IT education is also at a very high level: the vast majority of IT specialists speak English and the vast majority of people employed in the IT field have specialized education.

EOR in Belarus through SPEX Advisers is an EOR without intermediaries.

Why is it profitable and comfortable to work with us?

We are a direct provider of EOR services. You do not need to pay either intermediaries or agents. You work with us directly.

We have the most extensive EOR experience in Belarus. And hundreds of satisfied customers.

We have the most transparent service: we provide our clients with all the necessary calculations and reports.

Volume discounts: if you give us more than 5 people, we are ready to provide discounts.

What do you need to know and understand before deciding to work through the EOR services in Belarus?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of Belarusian legislation in the field, namely, what types of labor contracts are used in Belarus for hiring employees, what benefits employees can receive from the company, how many vacation days are provided for employees, how sick leave is paid and what methods of termination of an employment contract are provided company and employee. You can read this information here.

How are our relationships with customers on EOR services formalized? How much does the service cost per 1 (one) person?

We will answer these and other questions at our meeting with you in our office or online. Write to us at info@spex.by to arrange a meeting time in Zoom or Skype.

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