Minimum and average salaries in Belarus in 2021

Minimum salary in Belarus in 2021

The minimum wage (monthly and hourly) is applied by the employer when paying employees for work under normal conditions during normal working hours while fulfilling the employee’s duties arising from the legislation, the LPLA and the employment contract, taking into account the hours worked.

From 01.01.2021 the minimum wage is 400 rubles.

The amount of the minimum wage is formed taking into account many factors (the subsistence minimum budget; average wages; inflation; unemployment, etc.) and is the same for different spheres of activity.

Is it possible to pay less than the minimum wage in Belarus

According to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, an employer is not entitled to pay an employee below the minimum wage. If the employer’s wages are less than the established amount, the employer is obliged to make an additional payment up to the minimum wage.

The supplement is valid only if the labor duties are fully fulfilled.

The law does not apply to employees and employers who have entered into civil law relations, including a work contract.

A collective agreement (agreement) may determine a different amount of the minimum wage, but not lower than that established by law.

Violation of legislation on the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage entails liability in accordance with legislative acts.\

Average salary in Belarus in 2021 (in USD)

Average salary is the arithmetic average of all salaries of any group of the population for a certain period, that is, the official statistical indicator characterizing the level of income of the population.

The methodology for calculating the average wage in the Republic of Belarus is handled by the National Statistical Committee.

The average wages are always calculated in Belarusian rubles, but they are also converted into dollars at the rate of the National Bank.

The information on the average salary is updated every month. Belstat shows figures for the country as a whole, for each of the regions and for the sectors. So it is possible to track general changes in income levels, the position of workers in different industries and regions.

According to Belstat, the average accrued wages in the country, as of February 2021, amounted to 1,277.1 rubles. or in terms of US dollars 490.5. For comparison, in January the average salary was 1290 rubles. (or 502.6 in dollars).

It is possible to name the minimum and maximum wages in such areas as IT, construction, marketing, banking, as well as in the professions of advertiser, salesman, accountant and economist, since salaries in these areas and in these professions will depend on the positions held, place work (of a specific company and organization), experience, qualifications, recommendations, skills, additional skills, employment, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and other factors.

Let’s name the approximate minimum and maximum wages in the above areas and professions, information about which is posted on various Internet resources, in particular, on the official websites of state bodies:

IT – from 250 rubles. up to 5500 rubles;

Construction – from 800 rubles. up to 1550 rubles;

Banking – from 500 rubles. up to 3500 rubles;

Marketers and advertisers – from 500 rubles. up to RUB 2700;

Salesmen – from 700 rubles. up to 3000 rubles;

Accountants and economists – from 600 rubles. up to 1800 rubles.

Wages in foreign currency: is it legal?

In accordance with Art. 74 ТК wages are paid in monetary units of the Republic of Belarus.

Civil Code (Art. 141) established that the Belarusian ruble is a legal tender, obligatory to be accepted at face value throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population in its letter (posted on the official website of the Ministry) gave an explanation regarding the possibility of paying wages in foreign currency. Thus, the letter states that the norms of the Labor Code, including Article 19 “Content and conditions of an employment contract”, do not contain the requirement to establish in an employment contract a condition on the amount of wages in monetary units of the Republic of Belarus. In this regard, in the employment contract, the amount of wages may be established for the employee in foreign currency. In this case, the payment of wages in any case must be made in Belarusian rubles.

There are exceptions to these rules, in particular, they relate to employees of foreign organizations sent in accordance with the established procedure to work in the Republic of Belarus on the basis of employment contracts concluded at the location of a foreign organization, as well as for employees when leaving to work in a diplomatic mission or consular institution and until the day of crossing the State Border of the Republic of Belarus upon returning to the Republic of Belarus in connection with the completion of work in a diplomatic mission or consular institution (Regulation on the diplomatic service of the Republic of Belarus), etc.

Ways of paying wages in Belarus 

In accordance with the requirements of Art. 75 of the Labor Code, at the request of the employee, wages are fully or partially transferred to a bank account, that is, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus allows you to choose the form of payment of wages – in cash or by bank transfer.

At present, salaries, as well as other payments (scholarships, pensions, etc.) are most often transferred to bank cards. However, some entities still pay wages through the cash desk in cash, which, as a rule, is associated with the inexpediency and cost of concluding a contract for servicing a salary project due to the small staff of workers.

How to find us

If you want to use our EOR services in Belarus or just discuss the possibility of their provision, as well as receive a price offer, please contact us:

+ 375 29 366 44 77 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber)


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